If you could explain your energy what would that be? What elements do you resonate with and why?

I feel my energy is calm, playful and warm. I resonate with the water, earth and fire elements. I have been drawn to water for as long as I can remember, the water is healing and grounding for me. I connect with the silence when submerged beneath the water and to the sounds of the waves and flow of the streams. The earth element goes without saying. The fire element connection is different to most, the sunrise and sunset are where I connect with the fire element. I have always chased the sun, the power that the sun represents, the way it feels on your skin and the beauty it displays across the sky lights a fire within my soul.

What colours do you feel explain YOU, and what do they mean to you?

Peachy pink and earthy tones. I feel these colours represent my soft side as well as my natural state of being which is connected to Mother Nature.

Can you share a phrase or motto that you connect with through life?

Everything happens for a reason.

What called you to the Holistic wellbeing tribe? Is there an experience or story you are open to share with us?

I was so unconscious and disconnected from who I really was for so long. I started feeling a pull a few years ago now and it took BIG changes, actions and shifts within me to start waking up. I began to reconnect with myself and where I come from, healing, discovering who I am and understanding my purpose in this lifetime. All of these events have led me to Holistic Wellbeing and nothing has ever felt so right.


If you could explain your energy what would that be? What elements do you resonate with and why?

I feel as though my energy is a very free spirit, I believe we are all capable of just BEING, with an open mind and without judgment.

The elements I resonate with is air and fire, I say air because I feel the way I perceive life and my belief systems are all about freedom, honour and striving for your highest goals & dreams!

Fire I feel in ways of heat within my soul, fuelled by passion for creativity and living my life to the fullest capacity!

What colours do you feel explain YOU, and what do they mean to you?

Mustard yellow, Earthy reds, and browns.

These colours to me feel warm and homely, When I wear or see these colours they instantly create a grounded atmosphere where I can just BE!

Can you share a phrase or motto that you connect with through life?

Haha…. I have a few;

“Speak your truth and stay loyal to your wairua (spirit)”.

“Everything happens for a reason and the reason will always present itself”.

“Life is a never-ending lesson, so we may as well have fun while we learn”

What called you to the Holistic wellbeing tribe? Is there an experience or story you are open to share with us?

I have always followed my gut through life, until I stopped feeling the messages my body was sending me. I was so caught up in the ‘rat-race’ of life that I didn’t even know my body was dying from the inside, I was rushed into hospital for a procedure I never imagined would happen to me only to be told I could of died in my bed that night, it was scary and took months for the ‘reason’ to present itself but when it did, it lead me to HERE!